Before you dive in to the log concepts outlined below, review these concepts in the official OpenTelemetry documentation, found here.
The ExportLogServiceRequest
All OpenTelemetry collectors receive OTLP logs from applications in the form
of an ExportLogServiceRequest
. This is a well known message, and its
structure can be found in the official
opentelemetry-proto repository. The diagram below provides the general structure of
this message (some properties omitted for brevity).
When the OpenTelemetry Collector exports logs to an endpoint, it typically batches those logs up and
sends them by resource (eg. a microservice), hence the list of resources in an ExportLogServiceRequest
Each ScopeLogs
will be associated with one resource, and the same goes for the Logs
that are associated with an instrumentation scope.
For each Log
, then, you know what instrumentation library was used to create the Log
, and you also
know which Resource
produced the Log
What Are Logs?
The OpenTelemetry LogRecord is a data structure that includes details of the log message, and also
correlates the log message to a TraceId
and SpanId
if the log was emitted within the context
of a span.
The available properties of a Log
that can be queried are listed below:
message Where {
oneof value {
PropertyFilter property = 1;
OrFilter or = 2;
odddotnet.proto.common.v1.InstrumentationScopeFilter instrumentation_scope = 3;
odddotnet.proto.resource.v1.ResourceFilter resource = 4;
odddotnet.proto.common.v1.StringProperty instrumentation_scope_schema_url = 5;
odddotnet.proto.common.v1.StringProperty resource_schema_url = 6;
message PropertyFilter {
reserved 4;
oneof value {
odddotnet.proto.common.v1.UInt64Property time_unix_nano = 1;
odddotnet.proto.common.v1.UInt64Property observed_time_unix_nano = 11;
SeverityNumberProperty severity_number = 2;
odddotnet.proto.common.v1.StringProperty severity_text = 3;
odddotnet.proto.common.v1.AnyValueProperty body = 5;
odddotnet.proto.common.v1.KeyValueListProperty attributes = 6;
odddotnet.proto.common.v1.UInt32Property dropped_attributes_count = 7;
odddotnet.proto.common.v1.UInt32Property flags = 8;
odddotnet.proto.common.v1.ByteStringProperty trace_id = 9;
odddotnet.proto.common.v1.ByteStringProperty span_id = 10;
message SeverityNumberProperty {
odddotnet.proto.common.v1.EnumCompareAsType compare_as = 1;
opentelemetry.proto.logs.v1.SeverityNumber compare = 2;
The proto files for Logs can be found here.